This last week had been insane! Most of the subsystem leaders have been hard at work every day from right after school until eight, nine, or even ten sometimes! We owe our coaches a huge thank you for opening up the facilities for us for every spare moment we can find. For all the work we’ve done, we will have a final robot that can collect, lift, climb, and, most importantly, drive!
On Saturday, the collector subsystem discovered some dimensions weren’t quite right, so they stayed late into the night re-welding and reassembling the final subsystem.
On Friday, the lift was completed. Now the stages are all welded together and the bearings are all the right distance apart.
The climber subsystem was working furiously to finish the spools and motor mounts and finally attached to the robot Saturday evening.
On Monday, electronics should be able to complete the wiring and tune the code they have written for normal driving as well as autonomous.
By the time the robot goes in the bag on Tuesday, we will have a fully functioning, final robot with a little practice under the belts of our drive team.
Join us on Friday, February 23rd at 6pm in the Anacortes High School cafeteria for our Reveal Ceremony to learn all about how we built this year’s robot!