Infinite Recharge: Attack of the Prototypes

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All of our subsystems made a ton of progress this week as they finished up their final prototypes and started to integrate them onto the chassis.

Our shooter and collector teams started to work together and figure out how they would interface with each other. Our collector team is designed to store up to three balls in it’s belt system before feeding into the shooters 2 ball hopper. The programming team was also working closely with the collector team to implement a counting system so that our robot doesn’t collect more than five balls while on the field to avoid penalties. 

While our collector teams were working hard our shooter team was cutting out new side plates and upgrading the shooters power system to a dual Falcon 500 drive so they can unload all 5 power cells into the high goal as fast as possible. While working with the collector team it was found that the shooters side plates would conflict with the elevator system on the collector. After some careful analysis both teams determined that they wouldn’t conflict in the final versions of both designs. 

The robot wasn’t the only team making progress this past week as Public Relations was working hard on getting the safety posters and polos ready for competition. As you may have also noticed we also announced our Robot Reveal Friday, February 28th in the Anacortes High School commons so we hope you can join us there and see the incredible work the students put in.