FRC Team 3238 is on hiatus awaiting critical mass. Meanwhile, FTC Team 7198 is carrying the Anacortes High School FIRST robotics torch while FLL Challenge and FLL Explore teams bring up a new crop of robotics-savvy students.
Visit the ARBC website for more information on ARBC-supported FIRST programs in Anacortes.
FRED the Steamworks robot was a robot of a rugged countenance, that was never lighted by a smile; cold, hard and shiny in decoration; backward in driving; sleek, short, dusty, metallic, and yet somehow lovable. However, the robot is not quite complete as of yet. The subsystems are still hard at work building the climber and gear collector, there is a shooter being designed and hopefully fabricated, there is still a lot of programming left to do, the bumpers are being made, and the community outreach team is still hard at work with a plethora of assignments.
Finishing the climbing mechanismCreating the shooter prototypeMaking bumpers for the final robotEvery Saturday during the build season is a Safety Saturday, meaning that our safety committee, and possibly a mentor or two, gives a safety demonstration. The coolest, or should I say hottest, demonstration every year is the Fire Safety demonstration. One of our mentors used to work as a volunteer firefighter, so he knows a lot about fire safety, though fire extinguishers are what he focuses on during the demonstration. The mentor creates a controlled fire in a clear area outside of the school building, and then he teaches the team how to use fire extinguishers by telling them and then having three different students – who have not done it before – use the fire extinguishers to put out the fires. The demonstration this year was quite successful – only Carl was injured.