Seasonal Calendar

All FLL Challenge teams follow a fixed yearly program so that all teams can compete together during the Tournament Season.  The busiest time for teams is the Build Season, starting when the yearly challenge is released (beginning of August).  During this time, teams usually meet at least twice per week for at least two hours per meeting.  FIRST robotics is a team sport, so all team members must participate in all team meetings.  Some teams maintain the same meeting schedule all year, while others hold fewer or shorter meetings during the Pre Season.

Pre Season (May – August)

Teams can form and register with FIRST as yearly as mid-May.  Although the details of the seasonal challenge aren’t known, the general topic for the upcoming season is announced by FIRST during the World tournaments the end of April.  Teams can begin researching the topic, get to know the Core Values, and practice building and programming LEGO robots while waiting for the start of the Build Season.

Build Season (August through last Tournament)

Once the yearly challenge is released (the beginning of August), teams practice Core Values,  work on their Innovation Project and begin building and programming their custom LEGO robot.  Full participation by all team members in all team meetings is critical for team success.  For Anacortes teams, here are some dates/deadlines in the build season:

  • End of September – all teams must be registered with FIRST
  • Mid-November – Oak Harbor Jamboree (sharing/practice with local teams)
  • Sunday after Thanksgiving – Anacortes scrimmage (practice tournament)
  • Early December – Qualifying Tournaments

Tournament Season (December through last Tournament)

Every team participates in a Qualifying Tournament (December or January) to determine which teams will advance to higher levels of competition.  Team meetings continue to be critical for teams that advance past their Qualifier.  Refinements to the team’s innovation project and robot are made based on feedback from each tournament.  The best teams in the world come together in April for the World tournaments.  Teams that stop advancing often continue to meet and practice throughout the spring in order to improve for the next season.